Wednesday, November 19, 2008

If you think SPAM are affecting only inbound...think again!

Outbound SPAM has been affecting companies and organization for years. But solutions available in the industries offer mainly solution for inbound SPAM. Not to say that inbound SPAM protection are no longer needed. What I am trying to say here is that it is time for the Email security provider to do a lot more for SPAM going outbound.

We all know that inbound SPAM come mainly from SPAMMERS harvesting email addresses for sales product marketeers and of course BotNets! But what about outbound SPAM?

Outbound SPAM are normally sent by;

2) Compromised Computers in your network
3) Unsecured Mail server being used as relay

Now that we have identified the common source of outbound spam but what is the impact on YOU? if the compromised computer or mail server happen to be in your network? Or the ISP'MTA sending out SPAM is the ISP that you are using?

The consequences of sending out SPAM is as disastrous or worse then receiving SPAM. Why? Let me list out some reasons for you.

Result of sending out SPAM:

1) Domain/IP reputation affected
2) Domain/IP blacklisted resulting in email not being delived
3) Lawsuit
4) Network bandwidth affected
5) Decrease in work efficiency
6) And many more!

Let me elaborate more on the above in my next post...